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Academic Options

Students can take the course at one of the 3 following levels:

  • Audit (also called enrichment)
  • Certificate
  • Credit (at a Bible school)

Audit Level: Students attend class, read some key articles each week, and complete five personal responses (reflections on what they are learning) throughout the semester.


Certificate level earns a certificate of completion from Perspectives Canada. It is the recommended level (you learn much more than at audit level) for getting the full impact of the course. The instructors are fantastic, but about 90% of the course is in the text, and at this level students are kept accountable to read. This level is required by several mission sending agencies, committees, etc. for candidacy, and is required if someone wants to coordinate Perspectives in the future. The work involves about 6-7hours reading per week, with weekly homework over the reading, and a project due at the end of the course.


Credit Level

Credit students need to be registered at the school of their choice and must coordinate directly with the Bible College or Seminary of their choice and meet their requirements of application and recognition of their work toward credit. The Perspectives Coordinators will “assist” the student in their discussions with their Bible College; but the preliminary responsibility for making the arrangements, for registering and meeting the expectations lies with the student. Credit students will be required to demonstrate a greater comprehension of course material on both the exams and the integrative project. Deadlines for credit students are dictated by their Bible College. Credit Students will also pay the college the normal fee they charge for their courses.



This may vary based on the time in inquiry and it is always best to check with the school you intend to seek credit from before you decide which level to take the course at. Those who have given a Credit for the course has included:


  • Tyndale University
  • Heritage College and Seminary
  • Master’s College and Seminary
  • Toronto Baptist Seminary and Bible College
  • Trinity Western University
  • Briercrest College and Seminary


Life. Faith. Purpose.